Trip Reports | Port Hacking

Port Hacking

Yowie Bay to Cabbage Tree Creek

21 January 2023


Six Club members had a great day out on Port Hacking. We had a bit of everything—flat still water, fast flowing rivers, tidal currents and a bit of fun surf for the thrills (and spills!) We paddled from Yowie Bay out to Simpson’s Bay and Cabbage Tree Basin.

It was a bit of a drag back against the tide, but it was all very well worth it.  Thanks everyone for a great paddle.

Kathy Williams adds: Fantastic kayak surfing event yesterday—seems a bit ironic that my first event with the River Canoe Club was ‘surfing’ (LOL) but I’m not complaining. Many thanks to John Ward for organising the trip, to Simon and everyone who came along and helped make it a special day.

Hope we can do it again, preferably while the water is still warm as I got thrown in a few times. There were no issues doing re-entries, and I got a few beaut waves and one really long ride—so very exhilarating and exciting. We also saw a dolphin!

Port Hacking 2023-01-21
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