About the Club


A number of major projects are underway. This page seeks to let people know where the status of each project and opportunities to get involved. The Club operates on the basis of ‘many hands light work’ and ‘just getting stuff done’.  It’s all part of building a stronger club for everybody to enjoy, both now and into the future. If ever you’re wondering how you may be able to help out, in some way big or small, there is a ‘virtual whiteboard’ of ideas: Click here to access the virtual whiteboard

If keen to get involved, with ideas and/or helping out, just let any of the committee know.

1.       Improved river access/safety upgrade for members and community

The current steps are not great/can really be improved (particularly for members with limited mobility) and launching longer boats.

Quick/latest progress update: We’re expecting works to commence on site in May/June 2024, with completion in late 2024 (4-6 construction phase)

It’s an interesting major project, with a mix of engineering, landscape design, communications, financial management and negotiation so if you have an interest in improving river access then let us know. We have a small project team take this forward – if keen to get involved, let the committee know.

Useful information:

Contact: Club committee

2.       Clubhouse lease renewal

The club has been in its current location since 1955 and the time has come to renew the licence (lease). The Club needs to work through the negotiation and relevant formal steps to renew the licence to enable the club to stay in its clubhouse into the future. It is also important that there is an agreed capital works plan for the on-going maintenance of the club, including agreed upgrades.

Contact: Club committee.

3. Rainwater Tank (for boat washing etc)

The club was successful in securing funding ($16.5k) for the installation of a rainwater tank, for boat washing purposes. The idea is to save 30,000 litres of drinking water per year! Works are expected to be completed in early 2024.

Contact: Club committee.

4. Clubhouse Upgrades – Upstairs (phase 1/major works now completed!)

General Upgrade of the Club’s top floor to make it a social/community hub for the club – an enjoyable place to spend time, catch-up with friends and plan some more adventures.

Progress to date:

  • new kitchen installed
  • ladies’ shower rebuilt
  • defibrillator purchased and installed
  • new curtains installed
  • new digital projector screen installed
  • upgrades to bathrooms eg electric hand-dryers
  • Painting of gents’ bathroom
  • new sound system installed
  • new timber flooring installed
  • Upstairs painted

To be done:

  • Planning ahead – for replacement of bathrooms .

Contact: committee

5.  Celebrating and protecting the Club’s history

Archiving of existing images and documents. Identifying suitable ways to celebrate historical paddling gear (boats, construction moulds etc).

Progress to date:  Digitisation of historical photos is in progress.


  • Help to digitise
  • Help identifying suitable ways to suitable celebrate historical paddling gear

Contact: Club committee.

Projects successfully delivered 🙂 the club has a great history of getting stuff done…

1.      Clubhouse roof replacement and balcony balustrade replacement (done)

2.   Cooks River Paddle trail (done)

Insert text – about project status and opportunities to get involved 🙂

3. Cooks River Litter Prevention Strategy (done)

  • insert text on brief update and how to get involved – coming soon!

4. Clubhouse Artwork (done)

We worked with the Inner West Council and two amazing artists as part of the Perfect Match public art program to have a Mural painted on the Clubhouse.

Progress to date: 

  • Project team formed
  • two artists appointed
  • contracts signed
  • call for inspiration done in April.
  • Artwork completed!

Needed: To organise a (belated) community celebration event.

Contact: enquiries@rivercanoeclub.org

Check out the video at https://www.facebook.com/innerwestcouncil/posts/4403685142989882

5. Expansion and renewal of the club’s ‘paddling-kit’

The renewal of the club’s ‘paddling-kit’ (equipment), for everybody to enjoy

Progress to date:

  • 5 year budget established
  • 6 x new canoes purchased – great for adventures, families and clean-ups
  • 2 x salamander kayaks purchased
  • large trailer modified to improve ease of use
  • new PFDs (bouyancy aids) purchased
  • child size PFDS purchased

6. Clubhouse Upgrades – Downstairs/infrastructure

General Upgrade of the Club’s downstairs to improve functionality, reduce operational costs and optimise storage.

Progress to date:

  • recent general tidy-up
  • new sewerage/waste system installed
  • new racks for canoes – designed, built and installed

Needed/next steps

  • rainwater tank – selection, purchase and installation
  • solar panel installation – securing available grant funding.

Contact: enquiries@rivercanoeclub.org

7.   Renewal of the Club’s Guidelines and Policies.


–          New guidelines for trips and activities
– New guidelines for incident management.
– New guidelines for boat storage
– New guidelines for reimbursing member expenses.
– 5 year budget and capital works plan established.
– A new competency framework for flatwater paddling

What’s needed?

  • a comprehensive update of the club’s website!

8.        River Clean-Ups (Cooks River, Georges River and Parramatta River)

– Major events and regular clean-ups.
– Joint events
– Continuing to strengthen existing relationships, build new relationships.
– Identifying opportunities for the clubhouse to increasingly be used by other suitable community groups
– Continuing to build the club’s profile in local community

Contact: pres.rivercanoeclub@gmail.com

9. Family friendly strategy

The committee has identified increasing opportunities for family involvement in paddling activities as an area of priority—not to take away from current activities, but rather to supplement existing offerings.

Progress to date
–          purchase of canoes.
–          we’re finalising a new page on the website
–          registration for ActiveKids Voucher has been lodged and should be finalised shortly.
–          we’re organising some kid-friendly paddle sessions

–          Organising some more specific family-friendly activities and trips.
– A framework for family-friendly activities – ingredients for success, what to expect etc.