Date(s) - 25/01/2025 - 02/02/2025
All Day
January 2025 Murrumbidgee Canoe Combo – Place Holder
The “Australia Day” week the canoe club undertakes a multi day canoe expedition on the irrigation releases of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA)
These trips are moving water with up to grade 2 rapids camping from canoe or kayak. You will need to be able to pack all of your camping equipment in your boat, with the exception of the Jugiong Pub on the first night.
This year we plan to return to the upper sections of the MIA which have the most interesting rapids.
The current plan is to combine of two separate trips on the Murrumbidgee River to be run sequentially with a shared finish/start at Gundagai. People can choose to paddle either leg or both.
Trip 1 — Nanangroe to Gundagai (3 days, 26-28 January)
Moving water including several Grade 1 rapids & one Grade 2 (higher at higher flows) requiring skills or willingness to portage. Some whitewater skills required.
Trip 2 — Gundagai to Wagga Wagga (4 days, 29 January – 1 February)
Moving water but no rapids at expected river levels (high irrigation flow). Suitable for beginners without whitewater skills.
The plan
People can choose to pick their preferred section(s). There will be the opportunity to restock supplies in Gundagai for those undertaking both sections.
We should be able to coordinate the use of boats and the club trailer.
Details will be confirmed closer to the date.
Express interest by adding your name to the google form below: