COVID-19 global pandemic header


Quick links:
**** click here for the Club’s Covid Safety Plan *** (link to be updated)
***Click here for link to pre-activity registration through Eventrbite…***


The Club in early October 2021 resolved to:
1. adopt and register an updated COVID safety plan
2. adopt a cautious approach to the re-starting of activities in October, as public health orders allow
3. Require all paddlers over age 12 to have proof of full vaccination.
4. require group sizes to be kept small (max 12) – even when public health orders may allow more.
5. require e-registration for all events.
6. ensure a maximum of 4 people in the clubhouse downstairs at any time.
7. focus on restarting activities with more experienced paddler first (due to reduced risks)
8. encourage gear usage payment to occur prior to coming down.
9. encourage any socialising after a paddle to be on the grass, as a picnic etc, away from the clubhouse.
10. relocate the life-jackets from their current location (to minimise crowding)
11. requiring that any group activity makes use of the electronic roller door (ditto)

etc etc, thanks everybody for your understanding and support.

Any questions – have a chat to any of the club’s friendly committee.

Bank account details (the club is now cashless)!
River Canoe Club of NSW,
BSB 012 172
ACCT 3018 65753


Click here – Latest advice from Paddle Australia (updated #6)
Click here – Latest advice/framework from OutdoorsNSW

Recent update from NSW Government/Heath (updated 26 September )
read the latest advice from the Chief Health Officer

Recent updates from office of Sport (updated 26 September)
read latest advice available from the Office of Sport

Recent updates from PNSW/Paddle Australia
read the latest advice from Paddle Australia (updated #6)

Recent updates from the River Canoe Club (September 2020)

At the committee meeting of 22 September, it was decided that:
1. Clubhouse access -that the clubhouse ‘roller door’ should be used where possible for entry/exit,
2. Clubhouse usage – A maximum of 4 people should be in the boat storage area at one time
3. Gatherings of people – that any extended discussions take place outside, benefitting from the additional fresh air circulation.
4. Additional signage – shall be installed relating to clubhouse capacity
5. Website information – that the information on the club’s website should be regularly review/updated

This should be read in conjunction with the broader guidance available from the Club, PaddleNSW and the NSW Government.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with a committee member.

Background/important reading..
The health and safety of members is our priority, in addition to minimising -the spread of this virus in the community. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide regular updates over the coming weeks.

RCC requires regular effective handwashing practises and has increased the availability of hygiene products throughout the clubhouse. The use of rigorous hand rub with hand sanitiser is recommended when handwashing with soap and water isn’t possible. The club has suspended social gatherings, discourage carpooling to events and urge members to forego post-paddle social gatherings and the serving of shared food and drinks.

We do ask that you kindly keep clear of the clubhouse and any club activities, if you:
• Are feeling unwell (any cold or flu symptoms, cough, fever or respiratory issues)
• Have arrived from overseas in the last 14 days
• Have had contact with a family member (or similar) that has returned from overseas in the last 14 days
• Been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19

In line with Paddle Australia guidelines released 15.05.2020:
• All paddling must take place in single craft, with the exception of family members
• Social distancing measures are to be maintained both on and off the water (pay attention when helping one another when launching and landing).
• Any paddler who shows symptoms or suspects contact with Covid19 must report this to the club and immediately self-isolate.

The Australian Government has announced new community sport guidelines to combat the spread of COVID-19, as of 18 March 2020.

In all other respects, community and grassroots sport and active recreation can continue under the declaration where they do not constitute a mass gathering.

Sporting clubs and active recreation organisations have an important role and obligation to help reduce the risk of infection and slow the spread of the virus in the community. Please read these new Australian Government guidelines, to understand how we can reduce the risk of infection and slow the spread of the virus in our community.

For the latest information, visit…/20200319-guidance-to…

Club Specific Measures
In terms of River Canoe Club club specific measures, the Committee will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed.

At this time (written 16 May 2020), we’re hopeful that our members can continue getting out on the water – considering both the physical and mental health benefits derived. An overall strategy for re-activation of club activities can be access here:

From a club perspective, the following measures have been implemented:
Participating in club activities – a new on-line system has been established, for everybody taking part in activities and visitors to clubhouse, allowing people to pre-register (ahead of time). Click here
Single craft only – per the PA guidance, single person craft only to be used, with the except of members of the same household.
Paddling equipment – warm soapy water is to be used for wiping down of paddles and PFDs (this will involve a kettle/bucket from upstairs in the short-term)
Social gatherings – normally we enjoy a feed and/or drink after a paddle. We’ll being holding off for now and look forward to resuming in due course.
– Planning ahead – when planning trips/activities, clearly principles of ‘social distancing’ etc will be paramount and need to be considered.
Community events – we often run community events (at the clubhouse, and/or on the water), we’ll be holding off on these for now.
If you’re not feeling great – please refrain from participating.
if you’re self-isolating – please do so and again, refrain from participating.
Hand-towels in bathrooms – these have been removed. Please bring your own. .
Common hygiene – you know what to do, new posters have been installed in the clubhouse
Car-pooling (for white-water trips etc) while normally we’d encourage this, we’d suggest this is best avoided.
– standard email advice – a standard email is being rolled out for all email communications.

If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas – as always please do not hesitate to get in contact with any of the committee members.