
This page lists some learning resources for beginners (and more experienced paddlers).

Paddler Competencies

The River Canoe Club paddler competencies document

Introduction to Flatwater Paddling

An excellent and extensive guide for boat and equipment selection, types of paddling, skill,  the weather, and much more to kayaking and canoeing produced by Paddle Australia.

Paddle Australia Qualification Scheme

All about the Award  scheme for skills, guide and instructor level accreditation.  The standards that each type of water requires for you to feel competent.

Paddle NSW Sea or Open Water Grade

An explanation of the Sea and Open Water grade system devised by Paddle NSW

International River Grading

An explanation of the International System of River Grading

Instructional Videos – Basic Strokes

Some excellent videos showing basic strokes courtesy of Canoe Tasmania

The Subtleties of Safety

An article about safety by Jeff West, originally posted on the Jackson Kayak web site