Date(s) - 08/11/2022
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm


River Canoe Club plans to have a combined training and social event at the club to watch these webinars to learn something new and discuss what we have learnt. This training is pitched at Sea Kayaking however the knowledge is applicable across the full range of club activities.

River Canoe Club Members Register their Interest here

If you cannot make it to the club house for the Webinar, you can always join from home.

Paddle Leaders and Coaches Webinar Series continues with a set of on-line sessions with a sea kayaking focus but which will include content useful to aspiring kayak expeditioners in other paddling environments. The course will fully cover the planning requirements of the PAQS Sea Skills award and links to related resources for practical exercises and “home work” related to each session will be provided.

TUESDAY 8 NOVEMBER – Navigating from the Cockpit:

Piloting and Dead Reckoning: the art of knowing where you are and where you need to get to in a safe and timely manner

WEBINAR DETAILS:  Start at 19:30 AEST on the following dates. Each session will run for approximately 90 minutes.



A bit about the course presenters …

  Russ Swinnerton is a member of the Burley Griffin Canoe Club and the NSW Sea Kayak Club. He has been paddling for more than 10 years. He qualified as a navigation specialist during a 30-year naval career, and put theory into practice with two sea commands and several navigation jobs. He and Adrian have run a number of sea kayak navigation courses for NSW SKC.


Adrian Clayton has been kayaking for more than 20 years. He is a PaddleAustralia Sea Instructor, Sea Guide and Assessor. He has completed numerous multi-day sea kayak expeditions in many parts of the world. His Australian expeditions include a 9-day Bass Strait crossing in 2006. Major expeditions have been completed along Tasmania’s southern and eastern coastlines. In 2017 he completed the last leg of his quest to paddle the full length of the NSW coast — much of which he did solo learning many lessons along the way.

Adrian is a Life Member of the NSW Sea Kayak Club. He is also an active member of Lane Cove River Kayakers and Kayak Share Club.

PNSW Paddle Leaders and Coaches Webinar Series is an initiative of PNSW to support and engage with our Paddle Education Community. The aim is to keep these webinars to 1-1.5 hours. They will be recorded and posted on the PNSW youtube site. Note that the online booking is for 2 hours as a precaution and to also facilitate those of you who wish to stay online and ask further questions.

Expedition Planning for Kayak Adventures Webinars 8 Nov 2022 – Navigating from the Cockpit