Colo River

The Colo River rises in the central tablelands of NSW and runs an isolate route through national parks eventually flowing into the Hawkesbury River at Portland. The upper stretches of the river is used by whitewater enthusiasts, often using pack rafts due to the difficulty of accessing the river. Providing there hasn’t been significant rainfall in the catchment the lower section of the river is a great day out for paddlers that enjoy flat water. From the Hawkesbury, river runs through a valley with steep hills either side and some properties on the river banks. Further upstream it passes some impressive cliffs. The river is tidal until about 1.5km upstream of the Colo Bridge on the Putty Road. After this it can become shallow and impassible. Caution should be applied to paddling this river if there has been rain and it has significant flow unless in a group with appropriate moving water competencies.