Broughton Creek, Berry

Broughton Creek is in the Illawarra Region of NSW about 1hr 45min from Sydney. It is fed from water coming from the Illawarra Escarpment and flows into the Shoalhaven River near Numbaa Island. The creek is tidal to near Berry and it is best paddled near high tide as this extends the reach further into the prettiest sections. This description only covers the tidal creek.

The lower section of the creek from the Shoalhaven River runs through a low flood plain of rich farmland. The Illawarra Escarpment provides the backdrop in the distance. Closer to Berry the Creek runs into low, rolling hills where curious cattle will watch you paddle past.  Further upstream the river becomes shallow to the point where paddling is no longer possible.

There are some good launch spots on the creek. Broughton Creek Boat Ramp is just 1km from the Shoalhaven River and is great for exploring the whole creek on a round trip. You will be able to paddle about 17km each way and this can be made easier by choosing a day where the tide helps. Another great launch spot is Wharf Road Boat Ramp which is close to Berry and provides easy access to the prettiest end of the creek where it moves into low rolling hills away from the flood plain.

Note that whilst there is usually just a gentle tidal flow in Broughton Creek, this can change if there has been rain falling in the catchment