Trip Reports | Cooks River and Botany Bay

Scarborough Ponds Cleanup

Scarborough Ponds, Kogarah

4 March 2023


Scarborough Ponds are a long chain of ponds that run north-south between Ramsgate, Kogarah, Kyeemagh and Brighton-le-Sands, surrounded by Scarborough Park.

We were proud to participate in a community cleanup event to help clean up the ponds, organised as a joint effort by Bayside Council, Georges Riverkeeper and the River Canoe Club. Additional craft were kindly made available through Australis Canoes, with the event timed as part of the broader Clean Up Australia initiative.

The cleanup was a great success, with over 101 kilograms of rubbish pulled out of the ponds in just a few hours. As always with waterway cleanups, there were plenty of smiles and the satisfaction of seeing all kinds of rubbish extracted from the river.

Fun times paddling, cleaner waterways and engagement with the community—what’s not to like.

Scarborough Cleanup 2023-03-04
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