Weekly Skills Drills
Hen and Chicken Bay, Parramatta River
July/August 2022
Earlier in the year, a small group of River Canoe Club members decided to organise a regular weekly session to work on various skills drills. We decided to meet on Thursday mornings on the Parramatta River—mainly within Hen and Chicken Bay—to work on various skills drills.
We had to postpone some sessions as we seemed to encounter a lot of adverse weather forecasts. Three of us (Rob L, Jenny S and myself) managed to meet on three mornings for approximately two hours of practice followed by brunch. Despite COVID-19 and an injury, Darby also managed to come on week two.
We focused mainly on drills involving the points of forward stroke but also included towing, edging, sweep strokes, bracing and draw strokes. We decided to postpone the rescue practice involving immersion until later in the year when the weather is warmer.
Some great links to bookmark from Paddle Australia: